Tips To Pass ICAN Examinations In Nigeria At First Sitting (Updated)

This is a detailed guide on how to pass ICAN exams at first sitting.

It is the dream of everyone wishing to write the ICAN exams to pass them in one sitting. Many people have believed over the years that it is very difficult to pass the ICAN exams at first sitting.

While that may seem true to many who are fully unprepared, it has however proven to be false for those who are well prepared with the right tips.

There are tips for successfully passing the ICAN exams in one sitting. Anyone who wishes to successfully pass the exams must carefully follow these tips carefully.

Please note that these proven tips are applicable for ICAN, ATS, and other professional exams like ACCA, ICAEW, etc.

I am certain by now, you must have known the value of ICAN and why it is necessary you pass it. Well, for those who are not sure, let me tell you briefly what ICAN is all about.

What is ICAN?

ICAN stands for the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria. ICAN is a professional accountancy body that is saddled with the responsibility of regulating the accounting profession and training accountants in Nigeria.

Though, ICAN is not the sole body saddled with these responsibilities, as the  Association of National Accountants of Nigeria (ANAN) shares this mandate with them.

Be that as it may, ICAN is undoubtedly one of the most authoritative professional institutes in Nigeria. No wonder, anyone who passes the ICAN stages and courses, and becomes ICAN  certified, has a greater chance of gaining employment in a reputable company in Nigeria.

10 Tips on How to Pass ICAN Exams in Nigeria

Below are ten tips to take into consideration if you wish to pass your ICAN exams at first sitting.

1. Start Preparing for your Exams Early

The first step to successfully passing your ICAN exams is to begin early preparations for the exams.

One mistake most newbie accountants make is that they wait till the exam is at arm’s length before they begin their preparations.

This is not a good strategy for one who wishes to pass the ICAN exams in one sitting. Preparing on time for your exams, whether ICAN or any other professional exams, will allow you enough time to fully prepare yourself for the exams.

2. Set Your Priority Right:

Many people have had issues with their exams because they attempt to do too many things all at the same time.

Don’t get me wrong here. I am not saying you should neglect every other aspect of your life because you are preparing for your exams.

All I am saying is to focus on the most important thing, and worry less about every other one.

3. Complete Your Study Pack:

Now, of every tip I have mentioned so far, this is the one tip you cannot afford to take for granted.

Ensure you don’t get to the exam hall without having to finish all your study pack. I know it is very plenty, but that is why you must begin on time, so as to finish it before the exams.

You necessary may not understand all of them, but familiarizing yourself with everything will give you place you at an advantaged position when you are writing the exams.

The human brain is very amazing, you may think you don’t know it, but will remember it the moment you see it in your exams, provided you studied all of them before the exams.

In completing your study pack, one mistake you must not make is to study only the simple part carefully, and then carelessly or just glanced through the difficult or the parts with calculations.

Attempt to study every part of it carefully, seek explanations in the places you are not too sure. It is important you know them before the exams.

4. Thoroughly Study Past Questions:

If you must pass your ICAN exams in one sitting, then you must ensure you study your past questions thoroughly.  Using past questions will help you a lot to cover areas you may be neglecting.

The benefit of studying past questions before your exams cannot be overemphasized. For instance, practicing with past questions and answers will help you understand the structure of the exam, what is expected of you, and how to answer the questions.

Also, using past questions and answers will help you time yourself before the exams. Also, you will be able to develop self-confidence for the exams when you practice with past questions.

5. Be Calm:

It is normal to be anxious, but, as much as possible, ensure not to be too anxious for the exam. Don’t allow yourself to be overwhelmed, neither get too excited for the exam. Remember, if people are passing the exam at first sitting, you too can pass it.

Hence, ensure you know where your venue is before the exam; on the day of the exam, try to get to the exam venue on time to avoid rush. Do not take anything to the exam hall that might implicate you.

6. Start with Multiple-choice questions:

Ensure you carefully read the instructions in the question papers before you start writing.

Unless you are very certain of the theory questions, do not start from there. Begin with multiple choice questions, as they are easier to answer.

More so, starting with the multiple-choice questions will give you the opportunity to finish that part on time, so you can focus all your attention on the theory part.

However, time yourself in this section so that you don’t waste too much time here. Ensure you move on to the next as quickly as possible. Remember, there is a theory part to answer.

Hence, you cannot afford to waste time in any question or section.

7. Attempt all Questions:

Lastly, ensure you attempt all questions asked, whether you know it or not. You will be required to answer a certain number of questions in both the multiple-choice and theory part.

Do not leave anyone unanswered. Try your best to write something. You never can tell, your answers might be right.

Whether or not, you answer them correctly, be certain that marks are not deducted for questions answered incorrectly.