We are The Best Premium Tutoring Centre
we have an unrivaled track record as one of the best in Africa that prepares candidates for such tests as the IELTS in Nigeria, GRE in Nigeria, TOEFL in Nigeria and GMAT in Nigeria.
Join our community of aspiring accounting professionals and learn how to smash your exams at a go!
Foreign Exams
We have more than a decade’s track record of successful scholarship and admission placements obe.
Study Abroad
From visas to study options, entry requirements and more, our experienced team is here to help
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Welcome To Technion Academy
Technion Academy is one of Nigeria’s largest and most diverse education providers. Throughout our more than 14 years history, Technion has been at the fore front of revolutionizing the education sector.
We are charged with sole responsibility of prepping students and professionals home and abroad for various exams as well taking care of all exam registration concerns.

featured programmes
Let’s help you fulfill your dream of becoming a Chartered Accountant and get a better and high-paying job.
CIPM Program
The Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement (CIPM®) Program leverages the expertise of CFA Institute
Our unique exam-focused approach delivers industry leading pass rates consistently above the global average.
TOEFL is a test of the English language in foreign countries. It is a standardized test to measure the English of non-native speakers willing to apply to American Universities.
The test is a composite reflection of your collage readiness. Created by the College Board, the SAT is an entrance exam used by most colleges and universities to make admissions decisions.
IELTS full form stands for the International English Language Testing System. It is an English language ability exam, which evaluates a candidate’s ability to converse in the English language across all four essential modules: speaking, writing, reading, and listening.

Reach Out To Us
We have more than a decade’s track record of successful scholarship and admission placements for our candidates into world-class universities in Canada, the USA, the UK, Europe, Australia and across the globe.